12/23/24...     14,832.55

  12/16/24...     14,845.23

     6/27/13…    15,000.00


(THE DOW JONES INDEX:  12/23/24... 42,992.21; 12/16/24... 42,840.24; 6/27/13… 15,000.00)



“THERE GOES 2024! (“This is the End, beautiful friend...”) 


Christmas has come, and gone and, by all accounts it was a good season for business.  The Jones family forgot (or repressed) all their anxieties and went shopping – the big box stores profited, the smaller, local businesses... not so much.  But most survived, and survival is, as the movie people say, Paramount

On towards the New Year, as begins Wednesday, and this particular two-part lesson, concerning the predictions of experts and not-so-experts as to what 2025 will bring.  We’ll update Wednesday, as the first lesson of the new year, and, for the moment, everybody will be equal in prospect until reality begins to separate the seers from the pluckers.  And the suckers from their money.

And a final, tho’ expected, strike from the dark at Don Jones, the family and America... yesterday marked the passing of (very) ol’ 36, James Earl Carter, who made it to 100 and dunked his bucket list by voting for Kamala Harris in November.  Politically he was, like Harris, a failure, but redeemed himself in the after-Presidency afterlife and was, by almost universal acclaimed, considered a paragon of decency, something that languished afterwards and may well die out in 2025.

Back in the Eisenhower administration (another decent, as well as competent man whose only failure was in his Veep selection), our Managing Editor, as a child, especially enjoyed the Sunday newspaper (which he would eventually work for, a decade later) and above even the news and sports and “funnies” like Smokey Stover and Mark Train was always a weekly column: “Criswell Predicts” by the then-dominant psychic of a pre-Kreskin, pre-Criss, pre-Marianne epoch: Jeron Criswell King, known to his followers as Criswell (1907 – 1982).

Criswell was a versatile fellow – in addition to his predicting business, he was a news reporter, vitamin mercher and Hollywood... well... personality (“star” is perhaps an extreme tribute).  A new generation of bad film fans (the films, not the fans) know and revere him as one of the stars of the incomprehensible Ed Wood’s magnus possum “Plan Nine from Outer Space” alongside Tor Johnson, Vampira, Dudley Manlove and a down-at-the-heels dope fiend... Bela Lugosi.

The SeverinFilms review on X called it “a cracked masterpiece.”

His Wikibio calls Criswell “flamboyant” with “spit – curled hair, a stentorian style of speaking, and a sequined tuxedo.”  He owned a coffin in which he claimed to sleep; having grown up in a troubled family in Indiana with relatives who owned a funeral home, he frequently explained that he’d become comfortable “sleeping in caskets in the storeroom.”

Migrating to the City of Angels, he began his predicting career to sell vitamins and fell into an interesting circle of friends including statuesque Mae West, Jack Paar (of the pre-Johnny, pre-Jimmy “Tonight Show” – on which he guested frequently) and another Hollywood mystic, Korla Pandit (with whom he, no doubt, swapped prophecies and predictions).  His weekly syndicated newspaper predictions began on September 6, 1951, supplemented by three books, an LP record, contributions to Spaceway magazine (February 1955, April 1955, and June 1955) and a nationally syndicated television show on KLAC Channel 13 (now KCOP-13) in Los Angeles.  “His announcer was Bob Shields, who later played the judge on The Judge,” Wiki reported, and “Criswell wore heavy makeup in public after his live program was broadcast in Los Angeles.”

West used Criswell as her personal psychic; he once predicted her rise to President of the United States, whereupon she, Criswell and George Liberace, brother of showman Liberace, would take a rocket to the Moon.   Criswell and Mae were great friends and she would lavish him with home-cooked food which she had delivered to the studio that he shared with Maila Nurmi ("Vampira").  

“West was known to sell Criswell her old luxury cars for $5. For her 1955 album The Fabulous Mae West, she recorded a song about the psychic, titled, appropriately enough, "Criswell Predicts". (Attachment One from

He claimed that 87% of his predictions had come true... the ones that cemented his reputation were the “amazing forecast” that “President Kennedy will not run for reelection in 1964, because of something that will happen to him in November 1963" and that “Ronald Reagan would be California's next Governor.”

His most disturbing book of predictions included 1968's “Criswell Predicts: From Now to the Year 2000” – so called because he “claimed that Denver, Colorado, would be struck by a ray from space that would cause all metal to adopt the qualities of rubber, leading to horrific accidents at amusement parks.  He predicted mass cannibalism and the end of planet Earth, which he set as happening on August 18, 1999 (which would have been his 92nd birthday).

Criswell married an eccentric former speak-easy dancer, named Halo Meadows (she appeared on an episode of "You Bet Your Life" with Groucho Marx). His wife spent a great deal of time sunbathing; she also had a poodle named "Buttercup" which she was convinced was the reincarnation of her cousin Thomas.

But according to biographer Edwin Lee Canfield (whose compilation of predictions is onsale at (Attachment Two) Criswell was “a member of the hidden Hollywood gay community” and “a married closeted bisexual.”

The bio includes many of Criswell’s own predictions, from bed bugs in Boston, through global nudism and up until the end of the world in 1999; fortunately, it was one of his misses.

A more contemporary movie review site, “Rotten Tomatoes” gave Plan Nine a middlin’ 65% rank, but its comments were far from middlin’.

“This is a bad film — the sets look really cheap, the dialogue and special effects are cheesy, the acting is wooden, the plot is absurd, and the editing is weird,” wrote one fan in a review on Rotten Tomatoes. “Worst sci-fi flick ever made and because of that I loved it,” wrote another “Brilliantly terrible or terribly terrible depending on your viewpoint."  (Forbes, Attachment Three)  They also noted that Wood, in 1980, was posthumously “awarded” two Golden Turkey Awards for Worst Director and Worst Film.  And, of course, Tim Burton’s biopic starring Johnny Depp (and Jeffrey Jones as Criswell) made perhaps several thousand times more money in its opening release.

Our twenty-first century children don’t have that sort of Criswell/Ed Wood mind candy to improve (or rot) their minds; there is still a lot of astrology (tho’ not so much as thirty years ago), and the November elections proved that almost all of the liberal pundits had their certainties and all of them were wrong, for reasons they now hasten to explain.

Canfield, in fact, ultimately terms Criswell to have been a danger to America and the creature most responsible for the indwelling of MAGA... perhaps the first such demon of our modern era.  A willingness to “make things up”, pass them off as the truth and proclaim himself a success, is ‘fun’ but “may be considered the origins of harmful, unrestrained fake news and conspiracy theories” the biographer warns.

Calling Criswell the “antidote” to the blurring of news and entertainment fiction in the late-twentieth century he nonetheless points to the psychic as the father of twenty-first century mis- and dis- information whom those who see dark shadows see as causing the end of America and, perhaps, the world.

The queer seer’s glitter has somewhat worn off with time, but there is a new, old (dead) contender for a prophet of the end times... after all, 1999 ended with some apprehension among techsters, but no turning of the world to rubber, no apocalypse.

But wait!... connoisseurs of The End!... 2025 brings in the blind Bulgarian psychic Baba Vanga who devotees (including a lot of nuclear-minded Russians) see as being the voice, if not vision of the future,

Channelling the sixteenth century progenitor of prophecy-for-profit, Business Today (Attachment Four, four days before Halloween) growled: “both Nostradamus and Baba Vanga foresee 2025 as a year of war and catastrophe.  Are we prepared?” the businesspeople asked.

Nostradamus’s 1555 writings warned of “cruel wars” involving “those from the lands of Europe.” He ominously added that “the ancient plague will be worse than enemies,” implying severe, possibly biological, threats on a scale previously unknown.

Baba Vanga, who passed in 1996, made similar predictions, foretelling an escalating conflict in mainland Europe in 2025 that would result in dire consequences. Known for her apocalyptic visions, she predicted these events could catalyze global devastation. Additionally, noted the BT, “she foresaw unusual phenomena, including potential contact with extraterrestrial beings and the development of telepathy within humanity, signaling a new era of technological and supernatural advancement” in addition to the disasters which... unlike Criswell’s... would kill a lot of people and destroy a lot of property, but leave the planet to stumble on until the final reckoning – in either 3797, nearly eight centuries after a tumultuous war with Mars, or 5079 which will really be the End.

Both Nostradamus and Baba Vanga are renowned for their past predictions that seem to have accurately foreshadowed significant events. Nostradamus is credited with predicting Hitler’s rise, the assassination of JFK, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Baba Vanga, meanwhile, is often associated with foretelling the Chernobyl disaster, Princess Diana’s death, and the 9/11 attacks.

Among the many mystics hanging out shingles in strip malls or the beaten-down streets of old neighborhoods in declining cities, Varga has drawn special attention because of her uncompromising and extremely unpromising forcast for humanity’s final year – and as the saying goes, “if it bleeds, it leads.”

Can you picture – what will be?...

Euronews (last Thursday, Attachment Five) acknowledged that 2024 hasn’t exactly been a year of “smooth sailing” but, compared to the blind Bulgarian’s 2025, it’ll be a walk in Central Park amidst the dead bears and immigrant stranglers and stabbers.  Just wait for what next year apparently has in store for us,” those death-culture foreigners giggled and gloated.  “Spoiler: It’s not great. Apocalypse-triggering, in fact.”

For those of you who have never heard of her, the Euros declaim, “Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, popularly known as Baba Vanga or “Nostradamus of the Balkans”, was born in 1911 and had alleged prophetic abilities...

Blind since childhood, the Bulgarian clairvoyant apparently was able to see into the future, "powers" she attributed to the tornado that left her blind. These abilities first brought her to public attention in the midst of World War II, “and individuals like Bulgarian Tsar Boris III and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev reportedly consulted her in person.”

She died in 1996 and has since become a cult figure among believers of soothsaying – and, as you can imagine, conspiracy theorists.

Apparently, many of her predictions have come true long after her death. “For instance, Baba Vanga is said to have foretold the death of Princess Diana (above), the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, and the 9/11 terror attacks. She even allegedly foresaw her own death on 11 August 1996 at the age of 85.”

Euronews introduced, to us, a directory of Vanga’s “best of” calamitous predictions for the three thousand and change years now allotted to humanity.

For 2025, catastrophic natural events, including volcanic eruptions, massive floods and an earthquake along the US west coast will bedevil Don Jones.

It’s not all bad... she also predicted breakthroughs in lab-grown organs (no pigs need apply!) for transplants as well as a possible cancer cure.

Battered, but unbowed, “(h)umans will begin to explore Venus as an energy source”, and make alien contact – thereby confirming that The X Files were right all along.”  The relationship will sour, though not for nine centuries, with the War on Mars beginning in 3005, and eight centuries after that, “the Earth will no longer be able to support life, meaning the humans that have survived the Martian war will have to vacate the Earth because it has become uninhabitable.”

The actual end of the world will occur thirteen centuries later.

The Daily Mail U.K. (yesterday, Attachment Six) focused on the bad news for England, but tossed in a few of the colonies’ woes – including huge political upheavals (check!) but also featuring a series of triumphs in sport and the arts, the rival Sun reported. 

Among them, Donald Trump is predicted to be “in for a turbulent 2025 filled with a series of legal entanglements and even a health scare.” 

An AI extension of Baba Vanga “said the conclusion of one of his high-profile court cases will cause a wave of division across the US and potentially the world.” With three of his four criminal prosecutions in ruins, that means Stormy’s return to glory.

“Russian president Vladimir Putin is also in for a year marred by isolation and health concerns, according to AI Baba Vanga. 

“He is expected to retreat further inside the Kremlin and play a smaller role on the world stage. 

Thi comes following a series of speculations about Putin's declining health including rumours that he is suffering from Parkinson's disease.  AI Baba Vanga also contradicted numerous human intelligence documenteers predicting a Russian conquest of Ukraine and a moving on to Moldova, the Baltics... eventually Germany, the U.K. and finally America (unless the Chinese conquer us first)... by predicting that Ukraine would gain a “significant victory” although the war would drag on for the rest of the year.

The Daily Mail also reported on Vanga’s more notable successes and failures of the Twenty First Century including China’s rise to superpower status, tsunamis in the Far East and, as noted above, the Nine Eleven.  But she also had serious misses... that Communism would mount a comeback, Islam would take over Europe... and some maybe-misses (European dissolution – Brexit hurt but didn’t kill), Putin’s re-election (pending) and that America’s 44th President “would be the last one” (that prediction updated due to Trump’s second term).

Her AI app was particularly harsh on UK PM Keir Starmer would be attacked from both the right and left, but that England’s football (soccer) team would avenge their 2024 defeat in the final round of the Euros.  Her predicted 'great Muslim war' in Europe “has obviously not materialized,” charged the DM’s Olivia Christie.

Not yet.

Christie, not unlike the American critics of Criswell, ultimately dismissed Vanga, like other soothsages, as frauds... dating back to the Pythia of Delphi and “the myth of the Trojan princess Cassandra, fated to deliver true prophecies never to be believed.”

There’s nothing to add upon this from Criswell, because he believed that the world... and his influence... would cease to exist in 1999.

So maybe “Plan Nine” isn’t the Hollywood ending we were fearing... instead, we’re all just a bunch of bumbling, stumbling zombies like the rotting ghouls out of “Night of the Living Dead”.  The next four years, it seems, may be revelatory, may be revolutionary... but, we can be assured, they’ll be entertaining!

That was The End.


Our Lesson: December Twenty Third through December Twenty Ninth, 2024 (updated Wednesday for Jan. 1, 2025.


Monday, December 23, 2024

Dow:  42,906.95

President Joe gives an early Christmas gift to 37 of the 40 prisoners on Federal Death Row... their lives.  Against the howling and snarling of Donald Trump and the lawn order majority, Biden commuted their sentences to life in prison without parole... only the Boston Massacre Joker Tsarnaev, synagogue shooter Robert Bowers and neo-Nazi Dylan Roof will face the hangman (or Needleman) and sooner, rather than later, the President/President Elect (PPE) promises.

   There will be plenty of new faces on death row... yet another illegal immigrant set a woman on fire on a Brooklyn subway train, just because... well, just because.  Citizens are going bererk too... a deranged Dad in Sacramento beheaded his year old son, fitness influencer Miguel Acosta died three months after being shot in a robbery and evil scammers were caught ripping off grieving relatives in funeral streaming scam.  (Not a capital offense, but should be!)  Banker killer Mangione is becoming a celebrity to leftists and impressionable girls who throng his perp walk and open their purses to finance his lawyers – who say he can’t get a fair trial in New York City.

   Awaiting Jan. 20th and his Restoration, Djonald UnPatient floats a plan on Truth Social to buy Greenland (as a place to send liberals to?) and invade and conquer Panama, because of the high fees being charged to use the Panama Canal.

   Father/son interactions have more pleasant results as Charlie Woods (Tiger’s boy) scores his first hole-in-one, Bronny James inspires LeBron to retire and hand over the ball next year while Bill Belichek’s sons Steve and Brian join him as defensive coordinator and safeties coach.


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Dow:  43,297.03

Wide and wild White Christmas forecast for Northeast, Great Lakes and Rockies.  Deep freeze blows out train traffic between New York and Philadelphia, ski lift failures in Colorado and Nevada prompt perilous rescues and, on the warm California coast, heavy surf destroys the Santa Cruz pier.

   American Airlines grounds all planes for “technical issues”.  Also up in the air, Swiss-American flight attendants and TSA catch a woman smuggling 82 fireworks in her bag.  On the water, two Florida boats explode and burn while the road traffic is heavy as expected.

   House Ethics Committee finds evidence of nominee Gaetz’ sex and drugs, releasing a report that runs to 1,400 pages and 24 interviews.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Dow:  Closed

It’s Christmas... and, in a rare coincidence, the first day of Haunkkah.

   Pope Frank kicks off the Catholic Jubilee Year (every 25) with his “Urbi et Orbi” speech at St. Peter’s (see text in Wednesday’s update).

   In other holiday celebrations, the French gather at newly restored Cathedral of Notre Dame, King Charles delivers his Christmas address with a special thanks to the doctors treating him and Kate for cancer.

   Nearly half the passengers on an Azeri jet bound for Russia survive crash that is blamed on “bird strikes”.  Russians tweak this, saying Ukraine is (somehow) responsible but the West counters with their counter claim that Putin’s gangsters shot down a plane from an ostensible ally for some dark and devious motive (possible) or simple incompetence (more likely). 

   In Bedlam, nee Bethleham, Israeli air strikes pounded hospitals and mangers into rubble – occasioning eponymous vistas of the Christ child amidst debris; a singular and sober state of the nations for 2024.


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Dow:  Closed

This being the rare year that Christmas and Hanukkah coincided, today was also Kwanzaa, for the black folk, and also National Candy Cane Day, for the saccharinists and their escort, Mister Tooth Decay.

   The Northeast, Great Lakes and Rockies all enjoyed (or endured) a White Christmas.  The West Coast had a Wet Christmas and Texas had its usual tornadoes (although... for the holiday miracle... nobody was killed this year). 

    Americans went back to their task of killing one another off... some of the December murders included mass shooters at an Indianapolis shopping mall, four shot at the Phoenix airport, seven more in Macon, GA; a pizza delivery driver in Florida stabbing a pregnant customer fourteen times over his low $2 tip and, in and around Times Square, New York, while the great sign was being prepped for its last view before retiring, a taxicab driver with a medical emergency ran over six in front of Macy’s.

   There were more clashing bodies and bashing head on a banner week for basketball, pro and college football and other athletic competitions, but the buzz of the hive was on Beyonce and her cowgirl halftime show at the Baltimore – KC-Pittsburgh contest set a record for streaming and will be reprised on Netflix while, in Lockland, Ohio, a pregnant ewe brought forth for the Christmas manger scene gave birth to the last twin lambs of 2024. 


Friday, December 27, 2024

Dow:  42,992.21

President Trump demonstrated that he will be in command of not only America but the world once he takes office; to his promise to invade and conquer Panama over the high fees they charge Canal shipping and pledge to buy Greenland trumped by his contention that Canada should become our 51st state.  Smart fellow... big state, only two (likely blue) Senators.  Not like Panama, which should simply be destroyed, then given to the Venezuelans.  Take a hint from the Israelis, who waited until the head of the World Health Organization came to the Yemenese airport to inspect dis and dat – then bombed the holy hell out of it.  Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus ran for his life... unfortunately, for Bibi, successfully.  Yeeshush!

   Americans wake up long enough between Christmas and New Years to shop for sales on unwanted merch and return unpleasant gifts. 

   While Queen B was buzzing Baltimore, Jay Z was sinking deeper and deeper into the Diddy Pool when a “Jane Doe” claimed he’d raped her when she was thirteen at a Diddy Party.  (And what parent lets a 13 year old girl go to a Diddy Party unless... well... was it all about the cash?)   A generous fellow was arrested, unfortunately, for pouring whiskey into the Christmas holy water bowl in Maryland.


Like the sayings say, we’re holding out compilation of Indices until the New Year begins Wednesday.








(REFLECTING… approximately… DOW JONES INDEX of June 27, 2013)


Gains in indices as improved are noted in GREEN.  Negative/harmful indices in RED as are their designation.  (Note – some of the indices where the total went up created a realm where their value went down... and vice versa.) See a further explanation of categories here





NOTE: Indices will be updated for the 1/1/25 DJI on Wednesday.











6/17/13 revised 1/1/22








Wages (hrly. Per cap)


1350 points





1,545.00   30.48 .57


Median Inc. (yearly)







678.54   39,826 836 847 858


Unempl. (BLS – in mi)







543.13   4.1 nc  4.2


Official (DC – in mi)







228.27      7,033 043 053 063


Unofficl. (DC – in mi)







251.93      12,602 635 668 708


Workforce Participation












In 161,515 520 524 527 Out 100,889 906 923 940 Total: 262,404 426 467

61.552  548 544


WP %  (ycharts)*







151.19  62.60





Total Inflation







952.88     +0.2 3









270.53     +0.2 4









251.55      -0.9 6


Medical Costs







285.19     +0.4 3









258.18     +0.4 4




Dow Jones Index







353.26  44,642.52 43,828.06


Home (Sales)














Sales (M):  3.96 Valuations (K):  407.2


Debt (Personal)







263.40    76,132 153 173 193





Revenue (trilns.)







434.08                                                                                                                                                    5,063 073 083 093


Expenditures (tr.)







288.30       7,116 132 148 164


National Debt tr.)







371.09    36,122 207 232 256


Aggregate Debt (tr.)







384.52    102,812 890 969 3,045






Foreign Debt (tr.)







270.61    8,874 896 919 940


Exports (in billions)







169.06  267.9 265.7


Imports (in billions))







160.58  352.3 339.6


Trade Surplus/Deficit (blns.)







285.97    84.4 73.8











Partial indices – to be completed and calibrated on Wednesday


World Affairs








Pope Frank calls for peace (see next week), King Charles thanks his cancer doctors while Netanyahu gets his prostate removed.  Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi plan merger to compete with Toyota and Tesla, 


War and terrorism








President Zelenskyy claims 3,000 NoKo soldiers killed in Ukraine.  Taxi rams pedestrians in front of NYC Macy’s – cops blame sick driver, not madman.










Lara Trump decides she doesn’t want Marco Rubio’s Senate seat.  Unfit for a Princess!  NY State investigating 14 prison guards who beat an inmate to death.  MAGA civil war erupting between immigration hard liners and techy Musky employers who want to allow skilled ones in.










SecTres Yellin going out with a bang... govt. shutdown fix only partial so it will shut down later this month, not in March.  Presidential chaos predicted.  Mortgate rates hit 6.85% - highest since July.  Ritzy Nordstrom sold to... Mexicans!










2024 goes out with a bang, literally, as SwissAir police bust a woman with 82 fireworks in her bag.

  And with a swish and a slash,  an illiberal illegal immigrant who waited until after the election sets a sleeping homeless woman on fire, unknown copycat torches another, a mad dad beheads his unruly one year old, cop killed in NC, shopper shot in SC Food Lion, South American home invaders target more away game athletes while AI scams proliferate.













White Christmases for northeast, great lakes and Rockies.  It’s freezing some places, flooding in others and from Texas... of course... to the Carolinas, Don Jones hides from tornadoes that kill four.  And Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano erupts (again). 










Airplanes go down: Azerbaijan, SoKo, Halifax and four shot at Phoenix airport.  Experts blame birds – partisans blame Ukes, NoKos and rival cults.  Dead man discovered in Houston police car... police say they forgot to roll down the windows while leaving him to expire of heat.  Where it’s cold, paid and unpaid Samaritans rescue blizzarded snowboarders and snowmobile drivers, ski lift accident victims, and where it’s warm – two Florida boats explode, a train and firetruck crash and disaster drones fall from the sky and injure child in Orlando.  Two Sasquatch hunters in Oregon and four English Channel challenges meet their makers.






Science, Tech, Education








AI geeks duplicate dead Bulgarian witch (above) who tells them that the world will end.  Scammers using AI voice fixes robbing relatives of “family” members who “tell” them they need money.NASA sends a rocket to the sun.


Equality (econ/social)








HUD says homelessness rose 18% in 2024, will go even higher in 2025 as jailings rise even faster.  The newest twerk is setting them on fire.










Costco recalls organic eggs for organic listeria.  Northwest Natural cat food recalled after killing cats with retributional Bird Flu.  Chickens at Tyson processing plant explode, kill a plucker, injure several.


Freedom and Justice








The girls all love Mangione, showering him with money while his lawyer says he can’t get a fair trial in NYC.  President Joe pardons 37 of the 40 Fed Death Row inmates, MAGA worries he’ll give himself, Kamala, Hillary and 6,132,884 Bad Democrats pre-emptive pardons.  Pivoting Trump now wants SCOTUS to stop Jan. 19th Tik Tok ban until he can take office on the 20th and cut a deal.





Cultural incidents








Celebrities, corporations and commoners take sides in Blake Lively v. Justin Baldoni feud.  NCAA and NFL football teams being pared down to finalists, women’s volleyball team at Penn State wins 8th natl. championship.

  RIP: Actresses Olivia “Juliet” Hussey and Linda “Alice” Lavin, Time/Warner CEO Richard Parsons, former Hamas hostage Hannah Katzir, CBS sportscaster Greg Gumbel, ABC photojournalist Tony Hiroshi and last Pearl Harbor survivor at 105.  Plus, of course, Jimmy Carter.


Misc. incidents








New York to retire 117 year old Times Square ball after this year’s last drop.  Lucky lotto winner claims 1.13B Powerball prize.




The Don Jones Index for the week of December 16, 2024 through December 22, 2024 was DOWN 12.78 points


The Don Jones Index is sponsored by the Coalition for a New Consensus: retired Congressman and Independent Presidential candidate Jack “Catfish” Parnell, Chairman; Brian Doohan, Administrator.  The CNC denies, emphatically, allegations that the organization, as well as any of its officers (including former Congressman Parnell, environmentalist/America-Firster Austin Tillerman and cosmetics CEO Rayna Finch) and references to Parnell’s works, “Entropy and Renaissance” and “The Coming Kill-Off” are fictitious or, at best, mere pawns in the web-serial “Black Helicopters” – and promise swift, effective legal action against parties promulgating this and/or other such slanders.

Comments, complaints, donations (especially SUPERPAC donations) always welcome at or:







Known by his stage-name The Amazing Criswell, he was famous for his wildly inaccurate predictions.


Criswell, was born Jeron Charles Criswell King, on Sunday, August 18th, 1907, in Princeton, Indiana.

Criswell went to high school, and did some newspaper work for the local paper; later he attended the University of Cincinnati, studying at the Conservatory of Music. Criswell returned to newspaper work, and made more and more predictions, having his forecasts printed in more and more papers. Over the years, an ever-increasing number of people followed his syndicated columns.  Here is a rare scan of one of his columns - courtesy of Jacob Allan Chapman (AMysticSeer).

Criswell married an eccentric former speak-easy dancer, named Halo Meadows (she appeared on an episode of "You Bet Your Life" with Groucho Marx). His wife spent a great deal of time sunbathing; she also had a poodle named "Buttercup" which she was convinced was the reincarnation of her cousin Thomas.

Criswell was longtime friends with actress Mae West, once predicting her impending rise to the position of President of the United States, whereupon she, Criswell and George Liberace, the brother of showman Liberace, would ride a rocket to the moon. West used Criswell as her personal psychic, as well as lavishing him with gifts of home-cooked food, dropped off via chauffeur. Additionally, West was known to sell Criswell her old luxury cars for $5. For her 1955 album The Fabulous Mae West, she recorded a song about the psychic, titled, appropriately enough, "Criswell Predicts".

Criswell was a flamboyant figure, best remembered for his spit-curled hair, his stentorian speaking style, and his sequined tuxedo. He was the possessor of a coffin, in which he claimed to sleep.

87% of Criswell's predictions have come true!  (The ones he reminds you of.)

Whereas it is true Criswell made the amazing forecast (on the Jack Paar TV special, March 10, 1963): "I predict that President Kennedy will not run for reelection in 1964, because of something that will happen to him in November 1963" -- Criswell also predicted... the destruction of Denver, shifting polar caps, Castro's assassination, and the End of the World.

As Criswell's fame grew, he appeared a number of times on Johnny Carson's "Tonight Show"; on December 31, 1965, Criswell predicted that Ronald Reagan would be California's next Governor.

Criswell's predictions were nationally syndicated. Additionally, the psychic appeared on the television show Criswell Predicts on KCOP Channel 13 in Los Angeles, as well as being kinescoped for syndication on other television stations. Criswell's announcer, Bob Shields, would eventually be the announcer on Divorce Court. Criswell was notorious for wearing his heavy pancake makeup outside the studio.

Criswell was almost 50 when he associated with Ed Wood, however this did not (as some believe) do much to further his reputation. Criswell played "Himself" in Ed's movie "Plan 9 from Outer Space" providing predictions at the beginning and end of the movie and narration; however, even though the movie was filmed in 1956, it wasn't released until 1958. His next venture with Ed Wood fared even worse; even though Criswell had a bigger part in "Night of the Ghouls" (1959), Ed Wood was so broke he couldn't pay the lab to develop his film-- it wasn't until 1983 (after both Criswell and Ed were dead) that entrepreneur Wade Williams paid a 24-year-old lab bill, and the movie was finally released. Criswell's 3rd movie with Ed Wood, "Orgy of the Dead" (1965), saw Criswell play the "Emperor of the Dead".  This movie provided Criswell with the most screen time, and the film was actually released.

At the time of this writing all are available on DVD from

 In 1968, Criswell wrote his first book: "Criswell Predicts: From Now To The Year 2000!"; this book was Criswell's "Journal of the Future". It contained hundreds of predictions covering the next 30 years. Readers were asked to "keep score" on the accuracy of his predictions-- until, as Criswell predicted, August 1999, "after which it will not matter."   Click here to see some of his predictions from this book.

His second book "Criswell Predicts Your Next Ten Years!" was released in 1969.  "Why should you feel lonely when you have a trillion counterparts?" Criswell admonishes the reader in his foreword to Your Next Ten Years. "Do the other trillion feel as lonely as you? Are you fair to them?"  This work is a combination of fashion tips, financial forecasts, amazing labor-saving devices, spicy gossip and gloomy tales of impending social collapse.

In 1972 Criswell released his 3rd and final book "Criswell's Forbidden Predictions: Based on Nostradamus and the Tarot".  Read the book release article - courtesy of Jacob Allan Chapman (AMysticSeer).   

Around 1970 Criswell released "The Legendary Criswell Predicts! Your Incredible Future" from Horoscope records.  This rare vinyl record album contained many scarifying predictions.  Including:

"I predict the day of severity in dress will soon be at hand, almost Puritanical in style, with no beads, no jangles, no bracelets. Men and women will wear exactly the same makeup, the same style of hair dress, and, if required, the same type of wig. I was not allowed to say on television, radio, or have it appear in my column, as the advertisers would clomp down on me, and clomp very heavily."

He was portrayed by actor Jeffrey Jones in the biopic Ed Wood (1994), in which it is suggested that Criswell was simply a showman and never claimed to be a real psychic. However, those who knew him, such as actress and fellow Plan 9 alumna Maila Nurmi ("Vampira"), have disputed this. Also, according to writer Charles A. Coulombe, whose family rented an apartment from the psychic, Criswell told Coulombe's father "[I] had the gift, but … lost it when I started taking money for it."

Whereas the End of the World did not occur in 1999 as he had predicted, Criswell left our world at age 75 on Monday, October 4, 1982.  He had no known survivors besides his estranged wife Halo Meadows.  He was cremated October 7th, and interred at Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park, North Hollywood, in the Niches of Remembrance, F-10, Space 2.  Click here to view his death certificate (new scan courtesy of Jacob Allan Chapman (still, AMysticSeer).





Jeron Charles Criswell King, better known simply as Criswell, can rightfully be described as one of the first pop celebrity psychics. His bizarre predications — 87 per cent of which came true, he claimed — appeared from the 1950s through the 1970s in newspapers and magazines, while the flamboyant showman hosted his own Los Angeles television show, guested on national TV and in Ed Wood movies, including Plan 9 from Outer Space, alongside Vampira and Bela Lugosi. Unsuccessful attempts to find fame on Broadway and Tin Pan Alley did not prevent him from co-authoring three books on how to succeed in these fields.

A member of the hidden Hollywood gay community, the story of Criswell, his triumphs and defeats, is one of fame and hope.

FACT, FICTIONS, AND THE FORBIDDEN PREDICTIONS OF THE AMAZING CRISWELL is the first full-length biography of Criswell. It is the result of 20 years of research by number one fan, Edwin Canfield, and includes interviews, new information, and many startling predictions.

“The world as we know it will cease to exist on August 18, 1999!”

Further Infomation

·         Book cover art by Mitch O’Connell, “the world’s best artist”;

·         Criswell’s career touches many bases, from the occult, outsider artists, cult filmmaker Ed Wood and ‘camp’ stars  Vampira, Mae West, Bela Lugosi;

·         LGBT interest — Criswell was a married, closeted bisexual, and member of the hidden Hollywood gay community;

·         Includes many of Criswell’s own predictions, from bed bugs in Boston, through global nudism and the end of the world in 1999;

·         Television has created an army of celebrities who are “famous for being famous” — Criswell has the dubious honour of being one of the first;

·         Criswell was fearless in putting himself in the line of ridicule;

·         Sheds light on the American dream and aspirations that most people share;

·         Criswell’s story asks, explores, but cannot answer the eternal question: What is the true measure of success?

·         A willingness to “make things up”, pass them off as the truth and proclaim himself a success, is ‘fun’ but may be considered the origins of harmful, unrestrained fake news and conspiracy theories;

·         Criswell is the antidote to the blurring of news and entertainment fiction in the late-twentieth century.





By Marc Berman  Jul 22, 2024,07:57am EDT


(It) was so bad it was good. This is the common observation for Plan 9 From Outer Space, which is known as the “worst film in cinema history.” Today we “celebrate” 65 years to the day that this unintentionally comedic horror film opened nationally in movie theaters.

At a time when “B” level (and below) horror flicks were running rampant — The Killer Shrews, The Living Coffin, The Manster, The Giant Gila Monster, The Tingler, and Beast from Haunted Cave, to name a few — the arrival of Plan 9 From Outer Space on July 22, 1959 was yet another attempt to elicit fear in the audience for entertainment purposes. The good news: there was indeed an audience. The bad news: They were likely laughing throughout the entire movie.

Per the storyline, residents of California's San Fernando Valley are under attack by flying saucers from outer space. The aliens, led by Eros (Dudley Manlove) and his assistant, Tanna (Joanna Lee), intend to conquer the planet by resurrecting corpses in a Hollywood cemetery. This includes a cape-wearing ghoul (the legendary Bela Lugosi, who died before the film was finished), a vampire (Malia Nurmi, aka “Vampira”), and a slow-footed cop (Tor Johnson), who stalk curious individuals wandering into the cemetery looking for evidence of the UFOs.

Directed by Ed Wood (and originally titled Grave Robbers from Outer Space in an earlier preview), Plan 9 From Outer Space looks like it was designed by a group of youngsters putting on a school play. The acting is beyond atrocious, particularly in the lengthy chat-filled scenes, where the dialogue is either tediously repetitive or unintentionally hilarious. The costumes appear to have been bought on sale from the old “John’s Bargain Store” chain. And what was intended to be overly dramatic is marred by unplanned laughter. Yet, 65 years later, Plan 9 From Outer Space is remembered as a "campy, cult masterpiece,” according to some.

“This is a bad film — the sets look really cheap, the dialogue and special effects are cheesy, the acting is wooden, the plot is absurd, and the editing is weird,” wrote one fan in a review on Rotten Tomatoes. “Yet, this film is entertaining.”

In pop culture, fans of sitcom Seinfeld will recall when Jerry (Jerry Seinfeld), Elaine (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) and George (Jason Alexander) stopped for a quick Chinese dinner before seeing Plan 9 From Outer Space, but circumstances at the restaurant made them miss the movie.

In 1980, Ed Wood was posthumously “awarded” two Golden Turkey Awards for Worst Director and Worst Film. And, in 2009, filmmaker Ernie Fosselius (of Hardware Wars fame) created the short film Plan 9.1 from Outer Space, which featured hand-carved wooden puppets of the characters from the film. The puppets acted out the scenes along with the edited soundtrack of the original film.

In 2015, meanwhile, another partial remake, Plan 9, was released by Darkstone Entertainment, written and directed by John Johnson.

The moral of this story: Chances of future projects paying homage to Plan 9 From Outer Space will probably surface. But, let’s face it, nothing can ever be as “good” as the original.

“Worst sci-fi flick ever made and because of that I loved it,” wrote one fan on Rotten Tomatoes. “Brilliantly terrible or terribly terrible depending on your viewpoint."





Nostradamus’s 1555 writings warned of “cruel wars” involving “those from the lands of Europe.” He ominously added that “the ancient plague will be worse than enemies,” implying severe, possibly biological, threats on a scale previously unknown

Baba Vanga, who passed in 1996, made similar predictions, foretelling an escalating conflict in mainland Europe in 2025 that would result in dire consequences.

Legendary mystics Nostradamus and Baba Vanga, separated by centuries, have both issued chilling predictions for 2025. Foreseeing widespread conflict, disaster, and potential extraterrestrial encounters, their visions point to an unsettling future that has captured global attention. Both Nostradamus, the 16th-century French astrologer, and Baba Vanga, the blind Bulgarian mystic, foresee a war erupting in Europe that could have devastating global repercussions.

Nostradamus’s 1555 writings warned of “cruel wars” involving “those from the lands of Europe.” He ominously added that “the ancient plague will be worse than enemies,” implying severe, possibly biological, threats on a scale previously unknown. Many believe this may be connected to Europe’s current geopolitical tensions, potentially including the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict or broader European unrest.

Baba Vanga, who passed in 1996, made similar predictions, foretelling an escalating conflict in mainland Europe in 2025 that would result in dire consequences. Known for her apocalyptic visions, she predicted these events could catalyze global devastation. Additionally, she foresaw unusual phenomena, including potential contact with extraterrestrial beings and the development of telepathy within humanity, signaling a new era of technological and supernatural advancement.

Beyond war and supernatural events, both mystics’ predictions touch on natural disasters and climate crises. Nostradamus described the emergence of an “Aquatic Empire,” in which powerful floods would devastate cities, particularly mentioning volcanic activity and severe flooding in Brazil. Such events would bring significant turmoil and could disrupt the social and political structures of affected regions.

Baba Vanga’s visions were similarly multifaceted. She hinted at an extraterrestrial encounter at a prominent global event, possibly during a sporting event like the Olympics or Super Bowl, capturing the world’s attention. She also spoke of a potential "Martian war," suggesting the possibility of conflict with alien beings, which, if true, would represent an unprecedented shift in human history.

Both Nostradamus and Baba Vanga are renowned for their past predictions that seem to have accurately foreshadowed significant events. Nostradamus is credited with predicting Hitler’s rise, the assassination of JFK, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Baba Vanga, meanwhile, is often associated with foretelling the Chernobyl disaster, Princess Diana’s death, and the 9/11 attacks.

Despite skepticism, the accuracy of their past predictions keeps the legacies of Nostradamus and Baba Vanga alive. Their forecasts for 2025—from wars and environmental disasters to alien encounters—leave people pondering what the future may hold, and whether these predictions will come to pass or remain in the realm of speculation.





By David Mouriquand  Published on 26/12/2024 - 15:02 GMT+1


Baba Vanga, the blind mystic who supposedly wrote her premonitions up to the year 5079, is said to have foreseen what's to come in 2025. And it doesn’t look too good...

It’s nearly the end of 2024, and the year hasn’t exactly been smooth sailing...

Just wait for what next year apparently has in store for us. Spoiler: It’s not great. Apocalypse-triggering, in fact.

Legendary blind soothsayer Baba Vanga has reportedly revealed that the end times will commence in 2025. More specifically, that the start of our destruction will begin next year with a conflict in Europe that will devastate the continent’s population. It will be the kickstarting of events that will ultimately culminate in our doom.


Distressingly, Baba Vanga’s 2025 prediction mirrors that of legendary seer Nostradamus, who also predicted war in Europe next year.

For those of you who have never heard of her, Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova, popularly known as Baba Vanga or “Nostradamus of the Balkans”, was born in 1911 and had alleged prophetic abilities.

Blind since childhood, the Bulgarian clairvoyant apparently was able to see into the future, "powers" she attributed to a tornado that left her blind. These abilities first brought her to public attention in the midst of World War II, and individuals like Bulgarian Tsar Boris III and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev reportedly consulted her in person.

She died in 1996 and has since become a cult figure among believers of soothsaying – and, as you can imagine, conspiracy theorists.

Apparently, many of her predictions have come true long after her death. For instance, Baba Vanga is said to have foretold the death of Princess Diana, the sinking of the Russian submarine Kursk, and the 9/11 terror attacks. She even allegedly foresaw her own death on 11 August 1996 at the age of 85.

Of course, not many of the predictions attributed to her can be authenticated, as they are based on second-hand accounts. Skeptics argue that her visions are too vague to be verified or refuted. Additionally, post-event analysis can lend statements an air of accuracy, leading to skeptics cautioning against treating these predictions as genuine foresight.

Even though the mystic is no more, she made predictions for every year up until 5079.

Here are the famous blind mystic’s predictions for 2025, as well as her timeline for our demise:


A devastating war in Europe  

The event that will spark humanity's demise will be an unspecified conflict in Europe which will decimate the continent's population.

The rise of Russia’s influence 

Baba Vanga predicted that Vladimir Putin will be re-elected as Russia’s leader, solidifying the country’s dominance and continuing to shape the geopolitical landscape.

Natural disasters 

2025 is expected to witness catastrophic natural events, including the eruption of dormant volcanoes. Massive floods will also wreak havoc, and the oracle specifically mentioned an earthquake along the US west coast. These events will result in loss of life as well as mass displacement.

Scientific breakthroughs 

Because it can’t be all disastrous, Baba Vanga also foretold that scientists will make a breakthrough when it comes to lab-grown organs, which will revolutionise transplants. Additionally, she anticipated advancements in cancer treatment in 2025 - possibly even a cure.

Future predictions

2028: The exploration of Venus  

Humans will begin to explore Venus as an energy source. (It's worth noting that the second planet from the Sun is inhospitable and nothing can grow there.)

2033: Melting of the ice caps  

Baba Vanga reportedly foresaw that the polar ice caps will melt, raising sea levels to drastic heights worldwide.

2043: Europe under Muslim governance  

The soothsayer stated that European governance will be dominated by Muslim rule by 2043.

2076: The return of Communism  

Communism will spread to countries across the world.

2130: First contact  

Humans will supposedly make alien contact – thereby confirming that The X Files were right all along.

2170: Global drought  

Climate change will continue to ravage the planet and a drought will devastate much of the world.

3005: The Martian war  

Earth will go to war with a civilization on Mars. There’s no further information on who kicked things off, but we’re betting it’s probably us and not the Martians. We’re not the friendliest of species, let’s face facts.

3797: The end of the world – Part I  

The Earth will no longer be able to support life, meaning the humans that have survived the Martian war will have to vacate the Earth because it has become uninhabitable.

5079: The end of the world – Part II (For real this time)  

The end of everything. The grand finale. The world ends.

There we have it.


As previously mentioned, not many of the predictions attributed to her can be authenticated, and Vanga was far from infallible. So take all of this with a fistful of salt.

She did get some right, but she did also predict that a major nuclear power plant was supposed to explode last year and that the Earth would be hit by a devasting solar storm... So we dodged those catastrophies.

It’s also worth mentioning that when it comes to predictions on our future, Vanga is not alone. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists also announces a yearly estimation with its Doomsday Clock, which was this year set to 90 seconds to midnight. For the second year in a row. It’s the closest it’s ever been to midnight in the history of the clock.

Not very reassuring, is it?

All we can do now is hope that Baba Vanga’s doomsday visions are skewed, that we finally focus on what unites us rather than divides us. And not piss off any Martians, naturally.

Failing that, brace yourselves for a terrifying sounding 2025.





By OLIVIA CHRISTIE  Published: 09:12 EST, 28 December 2024 | Updated: 09:17 EST, 28 December 2024


An AI version of renowned oracle Baba Vanga has unveiled a series of chilling predictions for 2025 and it's bad news for some of the world's most powerful leaders. 

The late Bulgarian mystic passed away in 1996 but earned fame for her eerily accurate predictions. 

While she left a series of prophecies for the 21st century before she died, her virtual doppelganger has now offered its own unsettling glimpse of what lies ahead. 

These predictions include huge political upheavals but also feature a series of triumphs in sport and the arts, The Sun has reported. 

Among them, Donald Trump is predicted to be in for a turbulent 2025 filled with a series of legal entanglements and even a health scare. 

AI Baba Vanga said the conclusion of one of his high-profile court cases will cause a wave of division across the US and potentially the world. 

The tech version of the late mystic has also suggested Trump could turn his hand to building his own media empire next year to reach his followers worldwide. 

It comes as Trump has been strengthening his relationship with X CEO and the world's richest man Elon Musk


However, AI Baba Vanga has also implied that the president elect, who will take office in January, could also suffer a health scare that will briefly force him to move away from the public eye. 

Trump is nevertheless expected to overcome this challenge just like he saw off the assassination attempt at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania earlier this year. 

Russian president Vladimir Putin is also in for a year marred by isolation and health concerns, according to AI Baba Vanga. 

He is expected to retreat further inside the Kremlin and play a smaller role on the world stage. 

It comes following a series of speculations about Putin's declining health including rumours that he is suffering from Parkinson's disease. 

Baba Vanga's virtual doppelganger has suggested that a major health crisis could strike the Russia president in the coming year. 

It has also been predicted that Putin could suffer a series of setbacks in the Ukraine war with AI Baba Vanga considering 2025 as a 'turning point' in the conflict. 

Ukraine will launch a large-scale offensive by mid-way through the year and claim a significant victory. 

The AI version of the Bulgarian mystic said this would infuriate Russia and give Ukraine the ability to secure long term aid and security from Western powers. 

The made-up mystic also foresees the symbolic rebirth of a city devastated by the fighting perhaps Mariupol or Bakhmut

It is predicted that world leaders will come together to rebuild the hub as a symbol of Ukraine's historic victory. 


How good is Baba Vanga's record? 


Prediction: Baba Vanga's 2019 forecasts were very similar to her 2020 and 2021 predictions, foreseeing illness for Trump and an assassination attempt against Putin. She also predicted a European economic collapse. 

Result: Trump and Putin have both survived although Trump did catch coronavirus in October 2020. Europe's economy has taken a huge hit due to Covid this year.


Prediction: China would become the next great superpower and a new form of energy would emerge on Venus. 

Result: China's status as a global power has risen since Baba Vanga's death, but there is no reason to single out 2018. There was no major discovery on Venus. 


Prediction: America's 44th president would be the last one. According to some versions, she also predicted he would be black.  

Result: Barack Obama was indeed the first African-American president. But Donald Trump became the 45th president in January 2017. 


Prediction: The mystic pointed to 2016 as the year that Europe would 'cease to exist', making a dire prediction of 'empty spaces and wasteland, nearly devoid of any form of life'. 

Result: Europe was rattled by the 2016 Brexit result but 'cease to exist' is an extreme interpretation.  


Prediction: 'A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water. Everything will melt, just like ice.'

Result: The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami brought devastation to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other countries, killing more than 230,000.

2001: 9/11 ATTACKS

Prediction: Baba Vanga predicted 'horror' for the US, warning in 1989 that 'the American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds'. 

Result: Four hijacked planes brought terror to America on 9/11, killing nearly 3,000 people. 'Steel birds' could be read as a reference to the jets.  


Prediction: In 1979, Baba Vanga predicted a future Russian dominance under 'Vladimir's glory' in which the country would become 'lord of the world'. 

Result: Russia does have a strongman leader called Vladimir, but Moscow has lost its status as a superpower since 1979.   

Sir Keir Starmer is another world leader who is in for a challenging year, AI Baba Vanga has predicted. 

It has been implied that the Labour leader's centrist policies will become increasingly unpopular as he faces mounting criticism. 

It comes as Chancellor Rachel Reeves faced backlash this autumn, particularly from farmers, as she unveiled a series of policies in The Budget.  

Meanwhile in sports, AI Baba Vanga has predicted a good year for England's football team. 

In 2024, the Three Lions once again were unable to 'bring it home' losing to Spain in the final of the Euros. 

A young striker from northern England is expected to be heralded as the heralded as the next great talent as they claim football glory. 

The real Baba Vanga, who was born in 1911 as Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova, wrote before she died that 2025 would see earthquakes ravage the world. 

She also predicted that the planet would be rocked by a devastating war which bears some resemblance to the AI prophecies. 

Russia will not only survive,' she wrote. 'It will dominate the world.'

She also saw that next year would see Putin re-elected as Russia's leader.

Putin was re-elected earlier this year, and Russia is not due another presidential election until 2030.

She also predicted a devastating war in Europe that would decimate the continent's population, and more catastrophic natural events, including the eruption of dormant volcanoes.

Specifically, she mentioned an earthquake along the west coast of the United States.

California has experienced strong tremors in the past, including a 7.1 magnitude quake in 2019. None died.

Perhaps most intriguingly, Baba claimed that humanity will make contact with extraterrestrial life during a major sporting event.

Her record is patchy. This year, she predicted a worldwide economic crisis, environmental meltdown and major medical advances in cancer and Alzheimer's treatment.

One of her significant predictions for 2024 was the use of biological weapons by a powerful country.

Her supposed predictions run until the year 5079 when she believes the world will come to an end.

The mystic previously claimed the American president would suffer deafness and mortal illness in 2021, while Europe braced for a chemical attack from Muslim extremists.

Her predicted 'great Muslim war' in Europe has obviously not materialised.

The strange obsession extended to claims Europe would be dominated by Muslim rule by 2043, and that Communism would spread around the world in 2076.

By 2028, she expects that humans will begin to explore Venus as an energy source.

The second planet from the Sun has a surface temperature of 465C and is uninhabitable.

Baba, who died at the age of 85 in 1996, was also known as the 'Nostradamus of the Balkans.'

She mysteriously lost her eyesight at the age of 12 during a massive storm.

Her family allegedly found her several days later on death's door – with her eyes sealed shut and covered with dirt.

She later claimed to have experienced her first vision when she was missing and believed she had been given the power to predict the future and heal others.

 Believers claim that Baba even foretold the 9/11 attacks in 2001, saying 'two steel birds' would attack 'American brethren'.

She said: 'Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.'

The claim is vague enough that any number of disasters could be seen to fulfil the prophecy, but the 'accuracy' of her prediction has helped to give her a cult status.

There is no authoritative source on her predictions and experts say many of them are passed on through social media in Russia.

Among the less successful predictions attributed to her was that Barack Obama would be the 'last American president'. Donald Trump proved her wrong on January 20, 2017.

Oracles proclaiming to have supernatural foresight have existed for thousands of years.

Fascination with the vague statements of Greek oracles, anticipating the direction of war and plague, have been carried down in folk stories and mythology ever since.

The Pythia of Delphi claimed her oracular powers came from vapours from the Kerna spring waters running under the temple.

The Greeks also warned against sceptics in the myth of the Trojan princess Cassandra, fated to deliver true prophecies never to be believed.




In 1968, Criswell wrote his first book: "Criswell Predicts: From Now To The Year 2000!"  (T)his book was Criswell's "Journal of the Future". It contained hundreds of predictions covering the next 30 years. Readers were asked to "keep score" on the accuracy of his predictions-- until, as Criswell predicted, August 1999, "after which it will not matter."   Click here to see some of his predictions from this book.